Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Something little to share

I've always come across people saying 'God has a weird/funny sense of humour' Doesn't matter if He is trying to tell you something or answering your prayer.

Here's a personal small testimony to further illustrate that.

For the past few days, I had been praying, telling Him I need to wake up early to study and to get use to waking up early in preparation for my 9am papers. He indeed did answer my prayer. =) For 2 consecutive days, the cleaners from my hall came in to my room and woke me up. The first day was to change my curtains and the second day was to ask me bout a missing chair. LOL! And the day after I am able to wake up to my alarm clock which I normally just snooze until I dunno what happened.

Yup!! Funny sense of humour indeed and I thank Him for making life more interesting this way. =))


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