Friday, October 16, 2009

Start of something new

Its been the 3rd week into my 2nd year of MechEng! It isn't something very glad to look forward to, because I have to start working, start squeezing my brain with loads of stuffs, wake up very early in the morn to go for class but in the end found fishing instead, responsibilities to take and lots more... Doesn't seem much fun with all that..

But.. On a lighter note, there are friends around me everyday where we can have lunch, joke, crap and get crazy with, without worrying bout what time we sleep, what time is the curfew.. Hehehe.. The freedom that I have finally! =D

First up with assignment is a design project where we have to design a automatic drive connection which actually turns out to be a clutch...

The question is... How can I make a conventional clutch looks innovative and gave it a personal feel.. I will have to come up with a concept design soon.. Argh!!! Stress..

This sem.. I will have to face my killer sub again... THERMO!! Even more stress arrrrr......... Cannot even solve simple questions.. How to do in final??

But ahh well... Hopefully everything will turn out well as long as I put effort into doing it.. =) I shall leave it God's hand and play my part as well.. =)