Monday, May 4, 2009


Exams are just a few days ahead.. This time the exams I am going to die... I really cannot concentrate in studying. I blame myself. I know after exams, there are plenty of things waiting for me to enjoy and I am really suppose to do good in the exams so that I would not disappoint her..

Oh my gosh!! 

I thought that exams can help me take my mind of things, but, it does not happen. I am contradicting myself everyday... I want to and yet I don't want to.. My heart speaks of something I hate.. I really cannot control where my heart goes already.. It wandered off to darkness and I am trying hard to bring it back to light... 

Someone smack me in the head and tell me that all these are not worth my time and energy.

Someone help me!!!!!! Someone please help me up from this dreaded hole!

Exams! Please overwhelm me!

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